Registration Form Winter School and Workshop on Polytopes 2025 Last Name (required): First Name (required): Academic Title: Email address (required): University/Institution (required): Please indicate if you plan to participate in the school or the workshop (or both). SchoolWorkshopBoth Date of arrival (Format: Date of departure (Format: Conference Dinner: yesno The conference dinner takes place February 27. We can offer support for travel and accommodation for selected early career participants. Please indicate, if you: need supportdo not need support Would you like to give a talk or present a poster? yesno In case you want to give a talk or present a poster, please suggest a title and an abstract. Title: Abstract: Additional Comments: I hereby agree that my personal data may be stored and processed by the Institute of Mathematics of the University of Osnabrück for the purpose of the workshop. I can withdraw my agreement at any time and with immediate effect.